JBM is an anti-trafficking organization led by the Holy Spirit to redeem the lives of children, victims, survivors, and those creating demand for sexual exploitation. We support real-life rescues and save children BEFORE they need to be rescued.
Human Trafficking STOPS WITH US.
Our Holistic Approach
To end human trafficking in America, we must stop the demand. The #1 buyer of sex with a minor in the U.S. is a male who makes over $100,000 a year, is married, and has two children. Therefore, we must see that the root cause of sexual exploitation is the breakdown of the nuclear family. The impact of fatherlessness, pornography, and a hyper-sexualized culture is rapidly destroying the importance of family the way God intended.

30 Years on the Frontlines
With 29 years of fighting trafficking, Jaco Booyens is the leading voice in America addressing the entire ecosystem that feeds human trafficking. Our team collaborates with 170+ anti-trafficking organizations nationwide, as well as local and federal law enforcement agencies. JBM is consistently tracking the evolution of this crime in real time. This intel allows us to conduct a global gap analysis to best advocate for the needs of the anti-trafficking community on all fronts (legislation, awareness, training our first responders and government officials). JBM sees early and is able to sound the alarm - warning the American public about what’s happening to their children.
Our Strategy to Save Lives
While we do real-life rescues, JBM has proven that we can save more lives through early intervention. We are proactively intercepting minors before they meet up with potential predators. We do this by training parents, communities, legislators, and first responders to identify at-risk youth. The average cost of rescuing and placing one victim in a safe house is $5,000. A safe house spends on average $40,000 a year rehabilitating that survivor. Our ultimate mission is to save children before they need to be rescued. “If you can break a child, you can break a nation.” - Frederick Douglass

Faith Statement.
Faith Statement.
We believe our inherent value and purpose come from God. The word of God is the absolute truth, and we are saved by grace through the gift of Jesus Christ as our Savior. We were created to expose darkness and impact culture by serving the least, the vulnerable, and the broken. We are called to restore faith, family, and freedom in culture today. We must be the hands and feet of God to see him restore lives through his will and way for us.