The Impact of Pornography
Children today are two clicks away from the most graphic and degrading sexual acts imaginable, and Big Porn and Big Tech are responsible.
Today, children aren't just being exposed to hardcore pornographic content, they're being raised on it.
Research shows that porn undermines social, emotional, and cognitive development. Repeat exposure can rewire the brain and shape their sexual templates in ways that could negatively affect them for years.
This is why many researchers and child protection experts view early exposure to porn as a form of child abuse. And in some cases, it can profoundly alter the trajectory of their entire lives.
With no age restrictions on most sites hosting pornographic content, these "adult" companies—who profit off the web traffic—are allowing kids an all-access pass to videos of the most deviant sexual scenarios imaginable, all within a few clicks. This isn't hidden on the deep web. Most of the free and easily accessible porn sites are infested with hardcore, often violent, porn, and this material has become our children's constant teacher.
Signs of a Child Hooked on Pornography:
Increased likelihood of committing sexual harassment and rape. Increased levels of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.
More likely to use coercive tactics, including sexting and sextortion.
They will want to try out what they see in porn, which can include violence and the sexual abuse of children.
Shrinkage in the part of the brain involved with decision-making, motivation, and academic performance; erosion of willpower.
Boys who've had continuous porn exposure without alternative education will pressure their partners to engage in porn-style sexual activity, experience increased difficulty in developing intimate relationships, and have increased levels of erectile dysfunction
Girls exposed to hypersexualized media will have an increased tendency to develop eating disorders, practice self-harm, engage in risky sexual behaviors, and are at a greater risk for sexting and sexual victimization.